Monday 15 April 2013

Cheers to the Future

Hello there
I'm 14 so obviously still in school. Let me tell you something about my school- it fucking sucks.
I hate work, and I realize this makes me sound like the laziest person ever, but I'm not. I'm the kind of person who puts all their effort into the things they love and are passionate about, not so much the things i don't care about, aka school.
I hate most people in my year. I am not one of the 'popular' ones, never have been. I'm an outcast, I'm different and people don't appreciate that. Well a big 'fuck you' to all you bitches.
I hate the teachers, they don't understand social lives((well, internet)), and aren't approachable if you don't understand something, and hardly teach you stuff.
I just do not like my school, or any school for that matter.
I cannot wait until I get out of that shithole. I can be my own person, and do what I want with my life.
Lets cheers to the future, I hope its fucking better than now.
((the blog post a day didnt work, lets try bi-weekly.))
Natalie x

Thursday 11 April 2013

Fuck it

Sometimes, ladies and gents((assuming anyones reading this)), you just have to say 'fuck it' and let go.
What i mean by this is:
  • When you put so much effort into someone and they just let you down and you can't take it anymore, fuck it and find someone who damn cares
  • When you want to make YouTube videos but you're scared people from school will find it and judge you, fuck it and make those damn videos
  • When you think those shorts are a bit too short, but you really like them, you're comfortable with your body then, fuck it and wear those damn shorts
  • When you get super stressed about something, like exams, and it takes over your life with paranoia, fuck it and do what makes you happy
 Basically, do what you want((legally would be best. no murders or rapes or whatever.)) and what makes you happy, make decisions based on what you want, don't let anyone get you down.
Because those that matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

Also, don't take the 'fuck it' literally. Its a figure of speech, not a command to perform sexual acts on inanimate objects.
Enjoy your day((i'm going to try and post daily))
Natalie x

Tuesday 2 April 2013


Hello, anyone whos actually reading. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but heres a review.

'Sempiternal' is Bring Me The Horizon's new album, it is brilliance.
It has 11 songs on it, featuring already released singles 'Shadow Moses' and 'Sleepwalking' which are two of my favourite songs on the album.
The album is a whole new approach to the world of 'metalcore' by Bring Me The Horizon, its quite different from their old stuff, a lot softer some would say. The lyrics are really powerful, for example in 'Hospital For Souls' it says "have you ever took a blade to your wrists have you been skipping meals?" which actually really gets to me personally.
I especially like the album art, the Sempiternal design on the front is very snazzy, and i like the layout of the lyrics. They are just written as a paragraph, with a strange edited photo above each one.
I'd give it 4.5 out of 5.

So yeah, I realise my reviews sound like they've been written by a 10 year old and sound very naive, i just can't really put words together in a sentence. Sorry.
Natalie x
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Monday 4 March 2013


I can play the ukelele and its fab.
I have no idea why. I got a uke for christmas and at 11 last night i got my dad to tune it and i was off today so i learned loads of stuffs yay.
I can officially play Call me maybe, Your Biggest Fan, Adventure Time(theme tune), and also loads of random songs with this website that gives you chords c:
yeah i might post a video one day...

Thursday 28 February 2013


Theres one thing about me that i really really hate but i can't change it. i can't get close to people.

Let me explain. I'll start talking to a guy, start liking him, we flirt, then i get scared i'll get my heart 'broken' ((yeah yeah im a teenager, deal with it)) so i stop talking to him. Every fucking time. i'm just scared and people think im being horrible and rude, when i just don't want to be hurt. I have trust issues.
I built my walls to high and no one will climb them.

Tuesday 26 February 2013


so every month i'll try and write some good stuff that happened, make this blog and myself a bit more positive.

  • i made a Valentine's day video im quite proud of.
  • i started talking to this guy i've known for a while and i really like him.... oops
  • i started listening to my ipod a lot more
  • i started going jogging/running and eating less((not in a starvation way, i eat all the time))
  • my horse is ride-able again((ie unlame))
  • its 6 months til SitC
  • tweeted by Emma blackery twice((shes my valentine apparently!))
  • met up with a friend i haven't seen in ages
  • found a few new bands i like
  • booked a hair dressers appointment((i'll post pictures after, also dying my hair purple))
thats it for this month i guess:3
omg look emotion in my blog
this is now going to be a normal blog of a socially awkward and possibly depressed teenager. i'll try and make it positive. i like writing. (: