Monday 15 April 2013

Cheers to the Future

Hello there
I'm 14 so obviously still in school. Let me tell you something about my school- it fucking sucks.
I hate work, and I realize this makes me sound like the laziest person ever, but I'm not. I'm the kind of person who puts all their effort into the things they love and are passionate about, not so much the things i don't care about, aka school.
I hate most people in my year. I am not one of the 'popular' ones, never have been. I'm an outcast, I'm different and people don't appreciate that. Well a big 'fuck you' to all you bitches.
I hate the teachers, they don't understand social lives((well, internet)), and aren't approachable if you don't understand something, and hardly teach you stuff.
I just do not like my school, or any school for that matter.
I cannot wait until I get out of that shithole. I can be my own person, and do what I want with my life.
Lets cheers to the future, I hope its fucking better than now.
((the blog post a day didnt work, lets try bi-weekly.))
Natalie x

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