Thursday 11 April 2013

Fuck it

Sometimes, ladies and gents((assuming anyones reading this)), you just have to say 'fuck it' and let go.
What i mean by this is:
  • When you put so much effort into someone and they just let you down and you can't take it anymore, fuck it and find someone who damn cares
  • When you want to make YouTube videos but you're scared people from school will find it and judge you, fuck it and make those damn videos
  • When you think those shorts are a bit too short, but you really like them, you're comfortable with your body then, fuck it and wear those damn shorts
  • When you get super stressed about something, like exams, and it takes over your life with paranoia, fuck it and do what makes you happy
 Basically, do what you want((legally would be best. no murders or rapes or whatever.)) and what makes you happy, make decisions based on what you want, don't let anyone get you down.
Because those that matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

Also, don't take the 'fuck it' literally. Its a figure of speech, not a command to perform sexual acts on inanimate objects.
Enjoy your day((i'm going to try and post daily))
Natalie x

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