Tuesday 26 February 2013


so every month i'll try and write some good stuff that happened, make this blog and myself a bit more positive.

  • i made a Valentine's day video im quite proud of.
  • i started talking to this guy i've known for a while and i really like him.... oops
  • i started listening to my ipod a lot more
  • i started going jogging/running and eating less((not in a starvation way, i eat all the time))
  • my horse is ride-able again((ie unlame))
  • its 6 months til SitC
  • tweeted by Emma blackery twice((shes my valentine apparently!))
  • met up with a friend i haven't seen in ages
  • found a few new bands i like
  • booked a hair dressers appointment((i'll post pictures after, also dying my hair purple))
thats it for this month i guess:3
omg look emotion in my blog
this is now going to be a normal blog of a socially awkward and possibly depressed teenager. i'll try and make it positive. i like writing. (:

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